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Phasing in green energy

I will be going back to bed soon but I felt that I needed to say something. I consider myself an environmentalist but I feel that it needs to be phased in. There is no way that we can have 100% solar and wind tomorrow or even within a year. I wish that it was possible but it just can not happen that soon.

We closed down the Keystone pipeline from Canada to the USA. Let us look at it realistically. We now are transporting oil from Canada by rail and 18 wheelers. This increases pollution since the pipeline has almost no pollution but rail and trucks pollutes a lot.

If you drive in Texas, Oklahoma, and several other oil states you will see natural gas being burned off by flaming. If you lived down here you will see the fire from the smoke stacks polluting the air. We need to capture the natural gas and use it here instead of trying to transport it to the gulf coast or burning it into the air. A little logic will go a long way. As we phase out oil over many years and phase in clean energy we will not have to worry about oil for transportation.

Electric vehicles are the future but it has to be phased in. I drive a Chevy Volt (a hybrid electric car) and a Nissan Leaf (100% electric car) and I love both. I would love to see everyone driving an electric car but they just could not produce all the vehicles to fulfill the demand. They have to be realistic and phase in the electric vehicle.

So what I am saying, we would love to move to the future right away but we have to be realistic and phase in the future.

Dr. Weseloh 

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About lab grown meat

A couple of years ago scientists created in the lab animal meat that did not take the like of any animal. The first lab created meat made a hamburger that cost thousands of dollars. Now lab created meat is commercially available at a reasonable price.

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Dry without gas or electric

Today most people dry their clothes with either a gas dryer or one that is electric. Today there is a new way that borrows from the past. It dries without gas or electric. It uses a combination of solar and wind power. All it needs is a cloth line and some cloth pins. After the initial investment it is virtually free to dry your cloth. The biggest plus is that it is good for the environment. As far as the winter just stretch the cloth line in the house.

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Salt in coffee

Even though I have never liked coffee, I learned a trick from my second step father. He would add a dash of salt to his coffee. When I was stationed at Tachikawa Air Force Base in Japan, the men would complain about how bad the coffee was. I started adding a small dash of salt to their coffee. They all loved it and always wanted me to pick up the coffee. I only told them the secret just before I was getting ready to go back to the States. They were all surprised when the heard the secret. A cheap coffee will taste like an expensive brand.

This secret with work on other fruits and veggies that are somewhat acid.

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Mass extinctions

It has been reported on TV that 68% of wild life has been eliminated from the world since 1970 according to i24 TV news station. That is only 50 years. What will the next 50 years bring us? Will we wipe all wild life from this earth? Will the only place that we will be able to see wild life will be in zoo's? I guess they could no longer be called wild life.

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College or not

For every five blue collar worker only one will be replaced. This is the main reason why not everyone should go for a college degree. First, discover what you really enjoy doing and then discover the best way to get to that point. The US Air Force gave me a battery of test before I joined. I found out there were several areas where I would be good at. So I picked electronics and a 53 week course at Keesler Air Force base in Biloxi, Mississippi. That was the longest course for enlisted men. I loved electronics and went on to earn my BS in electronic engineering. I enjoyed studying so much that I went on to earn degrees in psychology, business, accounting, MBA, and my Ph.D.. I considered going for a second Ph.D. but I finally decided against it.

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Donating for a Scholarship Program

I am involved in a monthly plant based meeting and a yearly "Food is Medicine" all day event. Each year we have four top notched vegan medical doctors from around the USA speaking at the semanar. We have two very hard working vegan women running the monthly meetings. One of those women is taking the best four semester Master's program on becoming a licensed dietician. The entire course cost $50,000 plus miscellaneous expenses. I have set up a scholarship program to raise the $50,000. I have already given $1,525 to get the program started and I intend to donate more.

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Today the USA is 244 years old. It has not all been perfect. We fought our War of Independence, the War of 1812, our Civil war, and other wars.
We got rid of slavery, we allowed women to vote, and more. We generally keep getting better ever decade. Even though we are a flesh eating Christian country, I am allowed to be a vegan Buddhist. I have been to many countries throughout the world and there is no other country that I would rather be a citizen of. I served 12 years in the US Naval Reserve, five years US Air Force, and five years in the US Air Force reserve. I did that not only help protect my country but to helped other countries to have freedom in a free enterprise country. We won WWII and could have kept Germany, Italy, Japan, and other countries but instead we helped those countries to become free and we give up our rights to those countries. Again we are not perfect but we keep working towards
that goal.


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Riots & killings

Vegans have been living with flesh eaters for centuries. We do not like the fact that people are eating animals but we do not riot. We do not want people eating our friends but rioting is not the answer. Those rioting around the USA for various reasons need to take lessons from us.

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A New Calendar

Leap year happens only once ever four years. I have a better idea for a new calendar which is recommended by many. We should have thirteen months each year. The months would be made up of four weeks of seven days each. Then every year we would have a world day except for once every four years, world day would be two days instead of one.

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More About Rioting

All major religions teaches love over hate. Of course there are those in
every religion that distorts the teachings of their founder. Let us take
the good from every religion and forget the distortions.


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Police killing an unarmed Black man.

I watched all of the videos of the police officer killing this Black man. The videos were from his body cam and other peoples cell phones. I am not on the jury but it is obvious that the man was not putting up a fight and was begging for the police man to take his knee off his neck. I believe that the officer should not only be fired along with those officers that watched without doing anything to stop it but they should have been put behind bars right away awaiting trial.

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A word about discrimination

Today we had another Black man killed by a police man. The police officer kept his knee on the man's neck for over five minute. The man kept saying that he could not breath. This is not me speculating, it was the video that was very clear.

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The food distribution network

This is written on 29 April 2020 so when you read it, it may be outdated. Milk is being poured down the drain and animals are being slaughtered and buried in the ground. The news media states that they have no other choice because the distribution network is destroyed. That is true but let us look at it in a different way. They say that they can not distribute milk and flesh because there is just too much of each that can not get to market. The different way to look at it is if we were all vegan the distribution network would still be overwhelmed. Unlike flesh, fruits and veggies could be distributed to market much easier. What would supermarket do with live animals? They could not let them run free in the markets but fruits and veggies could stack up until people bought them. This is just one more reason to go vegan.

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A Vegan Opportunity

I am part owner of a vegan distribution company that distributes vegan items throughout Europe and Brazil since almost two decades ago.

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Working at Home!

Throughout the world countries are quarantining their citizens and having them work at home if at all possible. This Coronavirus is bad but it just might bring about some changes in the world. First, the custom of shaking hands may be eliminated. It is a good way to spread Coronavirus or any other virus or diseases. So one of the Asian custom would be much better. The Japanese bow and most other countries in Asia place their hands together and nod.

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Our recession

For years I have been saying that people should become debt free. I have talked about something bad happening like you losing your job, a catastrophe happening, an illness, or other things that would cause financial ruin. I doubt that anyone took my advice. Now the worse has happened and it is causing a huge amount of problems.

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Dog shows

People at the dog shows prance their dogs around in order to win ribbons. These dog shows have the dogs coming from dog breeders in order to get the most exotic dogs from specialized breeding programs.  I am not in favor of that but I am in favor of people getting their companion animals from shelters.

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A Vegan Assisted Living Center

I am 78 years old (born in 1941) and I am not sure how much longer that I can maintain independent living.  I have been trying to buy an assistant living center for a while with no luck. When I find one, I will make the cafeteria totally vegan with the people having the option to have a non-vegan meal delivered from an outside restaurant and eaten in the cafeteria.

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Used Environmental Cars

Veganism is about animals, health, and the environment. Electric cars are very important to our environment and thus veganism. Some say that electric cars are too expensive for us to purchase. That is not true.

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